Mumbai's Inequity

Time News article demonstrating Drone Photos Expose Extreme Wealth-Poverty Divide in Mumbai

Drone Photos Expose Extreme Wealth-Poverty Divide in Mumbai

Scott Thompson - July 19th, 2023

Mumbai, a city of striking contrasts, ranks as the 21th richest city globally, notches above Rome (22nd) and Seattle (23rd) while just trailing Dubai (20th). The city boasts an estimated wealth upwards of $1 trillion, surpassing renowned urban centers like Delhi and Vancouver. However, this prosperity stands in stark contrast to the living conditions of more than half of Mumbai's population, residing in slums characterized by extreme poverty, lack of basic amenities, and overcrowding. These unequal living standards are emblematic of a broader global trend, as cities worldwide witness widening gaps between the rich and poor.

Mumbai's Unique Geography: What sets Mumbai apart is that its slums are intertwined with its economic heart. Packed single-story dwellings border the city's extravagant high-rise buildings, presenting a striking visual manifestation of inequality. In the midst of this disparity, photographer Johnny Miller's ongoing series, Unequal Scenes, captures the troubling realities of Mumbai's extreme inequality.

Dharavi Slum - A Tale of Two Worlds: At the center of Mumbai lies the Dharavi slum, the largest in Asia, offering affordable housing for low-income residents. However, the environment is far from ideal, with cramped, ramshackle one-story buildings that appear as a massive jumble from above. Despite challenging living conditions, the slum serves as an economic hub, housing generations of migrants, including artisans, who operate their workshops beneath living spaces. Dharavi's thriving small businesses contribute significantly to the city's economy, producing around $1 billion annually.

Monsoon Challenges and Positive Developments: Mumbai's monsoon season poses significant challenges for Dharavi residents, with floods and landslides resulting in fatalities and disruptions in transit services. Nonetheless, the slum has seen a decline in violent crime since the 1980s, and its proximity to the airport and subway lines has spurred new development. The slum's resilience is evident in its growth and adaptation.

Maharashtra Nature Park - An Oasis Amid Concrete: Adjacent to Dharavi lies the Maharashtra Nature Park, a green sanctuary born from a collaboration between the Mumbai government and the World Wildlife Fund. Once a garbage dump, it now thrives with 14,000 trees and 300 plant species, offering a peaceful respite for locals and tourists alike.

Bandra Kurla: Contrasting Opulence: Across the Mithi River from Dharavi lies the Bandra Kurla, a district teeming with wealthy financiers, real estate professionals, and media executives. This side of the river hosts India's top energy company, the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation. Despite its affluence, the Bandra Kurla shares its boundaries with the slum, a poignant reminder of the city's contrasting realities.

Bombay Stock Exchange: A Symbol of Inequality: The Bombay Stock Exchange stands as a powerful symbol of Mumbai's inequality. Surrounded by dilapidated, single-story homes, it represents the stark divide between immense wealth and extreme poverty in the city. While the exchange issues trillions of dollars worth of shares, just meters away, the slum's inhabitants struggle to make ends meet.

Mumbai's drone-captured imagery serves as a poignant reminder of a city in flux, straddling the line between prosperity and decay. The city's wealthiest 1% hold about 73% of the city's wealth. The coexistence of extreme wealth and abject poverty raises critical questions about urban development, social justice, and the need for equitable opportunities for all. As Mumbai's skyline evolves, it is crucial to address the immense disparities and work towards a more inclusive and sustainable future for all residents.

To see more of Johnny Miller's drone photography visit Unequal Scenes.

Drone Photos Expose Extreme Wealth-Poverty Divide in Mumbai

Photo by Johnny Miller

Drone Photos Expose Extreme Wealth-Poverty Divide in Mumbai

Photo by Johnny Miller

Drone Photos Expose Extreme Wealth-Poverty Divide in Mumbai

Photo by Johnny Miller

Drone Photos Expose Extreme Wealth-Poverty Divide in Mumbai

Photo by Johnny Miller